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Writer's pictureCaroline Blueheel


dance connection, swing dancers

Learn to use the non verbal cues to communicate in dance. Improve your lead and follow techniques for Latin & Ballroom Dance.

You’ve heard it said that human communication is 20% verbal and 80% non-verbal. If you are saying something to a person but your body language says the opposite then you're not getting your message across.

Imagine the challenge then, to be able to communicate without the verbal element and to rely 100% on non-verbal cues – all this while trying to move in unison across the dance floor with your partner, in time to the music, in a fun enjoyable way.

Welcome to a whole new art of communication.

The workshop held last Friday, Feb 22nd was the first in a two part series on partnering in dance, presented by Canadian Dance Champion, Egor Shalvarov at Blueheel Dance Studio. The Art of Partnering: Lead and follow in Ballroom Dance. Safe to say, participants got much more than they bargained for. Egor’s totally unconventional approach was a bit of a mind bender; eye opening to say the least.

The conventional method of dance instruction starts with learning the patterns, footwork, timing and simple principles of lead and follow....weight change, shaping, visual and physical lead. Egor introduced new concepts and aspects of not just lead & follow, but partnering in ballroom dance. He forced us to break the boundaries of the box and change our thought patterns and conventional responses. Whilst leaders often have a challenging job to convey to partners what the intended move is, it is just as big a responsibility for the follower to totally let go and allow herself to be led. (Trust issues, perhaps?)

Egor pushed our understanding of dancing to the standard timing for Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot that left some feeling quite uncomfortable. But isn’t that the way we break through? By pushing the boundaries, by feeling uncomfortable because we are exploring new areas, learning new things.

I can’t wait for Part ll. The Art of Partnering: Lead and follow in Latin Dance. Plan on being surprised. Egor will explore the different aspect of partnering in Latin Dance. Latin rhythms and movement require a whole different set of connection cues. A whole new ball game.

And as I said earlier, if art imitates life, doesn't that say the same for dance? What happens on the ballroom dance floor often imitates our real life partnerships - how we communicate, sometimes having to lead, sometimes leading by following and getting results by asking rather than demanding. Attitude is everything.

Come join us on Friday, March 1 for Part ll.


DATE: Friday, March 1st, 2019

TIME: 7:45PM - 9:15PM

WHERE: Blueheel Dance Studio | 34 Lakeshore Rd E

FEES: $45 per person

No partner required. Just an inquisitive mind and a desire to be a better lead/follow. To register, call 905 274 3262 or email

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